Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012


Read the text and answer questions 1 to 6.
Simply Loved by Ning Baizura

INSTEAD TM Sofcup TM is an advanced menstrual care product that collects rather than absorbs menstrual fluid.

It is the only sanitary care product that health professionals and gynecologists strongly recommended as the new standard for sanitary care.

INSTEAD TM Softcup TM  is cleared by the U.S FDA and has sold over 100 million units in America.

INSTEAD TM Softcup TM is discreet and has neither strings nor wings.

It is dioxin-free, latex-free and has no reported incidents of Toxic Shock Syndrome.

INSTEAD TM Softcup TM can be worn for up to 12 hours, depending on the flow.

Health Sciences Group
Living a better life
Available online at:

1.             Uraian:
·        Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan gambaran umum isi teks.
·        Indikator: Menentukan gambaran umum isi teks.
·        Soal:
What does the text mostly tell you about?
A.    INSTEAD TM Softcup TM    
B.    Health Sciences Group.
C.    Toxic  Shock Syndrome.
D.   Living a better life.
·        Kunci jawaban: A
·        Pembahasan:
Bila dibaca secara menyeluruh, maka kita dapat menentukan bahwa teks diatas tentang suatu produk yang bermerek InsteadTM SoftcupTM.  Dengan demikian jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.
1.             Uraian:
·        Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan pokok pikiran paragraph teks.
·        Indikator: Menentukan pokok pikiran paragraph teks.
·        Soal:
            The second paragraph of the text tells  you about InsteadTM SoftcupTM as .. .
A.    the best product for all people
B.    gynecologists for all women
C.    the only sanitary care product 
D.   the professionals in sanitary.
·        Kunci jawaban: C
·        Pembahasan:
Soal diatas menanyakan topic suatu paragraph. Dari kata-kata pada paragraph tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa paragraph ini menjelaskan tentang InsteadTM SoftcupTM sebagai satu-satunya product yang perdui pada kebersihan. Dengan demikian jawabannya adalah C.
2.             Uraian:
·        Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks.
·        Indikator: Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks.
·        Soal:
The following are correct about INSTEAD TM Softcup TM  EXCEPT … .
A.          Latex-free.
B.          Dioxin-free.
C.          Ning’s choice.
D.         Noticeable.

·        Kunci jawaban: D
·        Pembahasan:
Bila di cek setiap jawaban diatas dengan informasi tentang produk ini, dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban A,B dan C benar. Sedangkan yang D salah. Dengan demikian jawaban D adalah jawaban yang paling tepat.

3.              Uraian
·                 Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan informasi tersirat dalam teks.
·                 Indikator: Menentukan informasi tersirat dalam teks.
·                 Soal:
The text shows that the product is … to be worn by people.
A.                dangerous
B.                interesting
C.                safe         
D.               hard

·                 Kunci jawaban: C
·                 Pembahasan:
Dari kata staff, dan office dalam teks di atas kita isa menyimpulkan bahwa Dr. Sahali mestiya seorang pejabat pemerintahan, dan jawaban yang lainnya kurang didukung oleh clue. Jadi jawaban B yang paling tepat.

4.              Uraian
·      Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat/ ungkapan.
·      Indikator: Menentukan makna kata
·      Soal:
“INSTEAD TM Softcup TM  is cleared by the U.S FDA and ….”
What does the underlined word means?
A.    consumed
B.    authorized
C.    ordered
D.   made

·        Kunci jawaban: B
·     Pembahasan:
Kata clear memiliki banyak arti misalnya mendapatkan, menyelesaikan, menghapus dan mendapat otorisasi. Dalam kalimat ini arti yang tepat adalah diberikan otorisasi. Maka makna kata tersebut yang tepat adalah pada jawaban B.

5.             Uraian:
·     Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan rujukan kata dalam teks.
·     Indikator: Menentukan rujukan kata dalam teks.
·     Soal:
It is the only sanitary care product that health professionals and gynecologists strongly recommended…”
What does the word “it” in the sentence refer to?
A.     The new standard.
B.     INSTEAD TM Softcup TM  
C.     The menstrual fluid.
D.     The sanitary care.

·      Kunci jawaban: B
·      Pembahasan:
Arti kata it adalah dia. Kata ganti mengganti kata benda produk yang bernama INSTEAD TM Softcup TM  . Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah B.

Jl.Raden Saleh Raya 47, Jakarta 10330
Tel. 021 315 0646
“Whenever you go to Jakarta, don’t miss Oasis!” This is a common advice given to foreign tourists planning to visit Jakarta. For good reason: Oasis Restaurant is one of the few restaurants in the world that serves rijsttafel in the best of tradition.
Rijsttafel, which means Rice Table, is a feast of 12 mild-to-strongly spiced Indonesian dishes, from appetizer, soup, main course (including two kinds of rice and several meat dishes), to desert. It will be brought to your table in antique porcelain plates by a gliding procession of 12 waitresses in neat kebaya jackets and batik sarongs.
Housed in a grand two-storey mansion built in 1928, Oasis is richly graced with dance masks and paintings of distinguished Indonesian artist such as a Hendra and Affandi.
The ambience of Oasis will draw you back in time. And don’t forget to look closely to the pictures hanging on the wall .You’ll be surprised (or maybe not at all) that Bill & Hillary Clinton,  Evander Holyfield, Phil Collins and King Carlos of Spain have all been there to enjoy rijsttafel.
1.    What does the text mostly tell you about?
2.    What is the third paragraph about?
3.    What makes the restaurant well-known for foreign tourists?
4.    How old is the restaurant?
5.    What does the word “You” in the text refer to?
6.    ““Whenever you go to Jakarta, don’t miss Oasis!” What does the word “miss” in the sentence mean?
Note: What do people write the above questions for?

contoh announcements


SMP Nusantara will celebrate its 10th anniversary on:
                                        Day/ Date    : Saturday 12, December 2010
                                        Place            : Sport Hall
                                        Time : 8.00 am – 11.00 am
To highlight this event, a special bazaar will be held together with music show. All the teachers and students are supposed to attend this celebration. For this reason all sport activities at school such as volleyball, basketball, badminton and ping pong will be cancelled
for the time being.
Budi Handoko


Read the text and answer questions 11 and 14.
A Rolex watch. Lost around the laboratory and the mosque of the school.
To those who found please return it to the owner. There  will be a nice gift for you.
Mr. Afifi

A gold ring with the letter “A” on it. Those who found the special ring for the owner, please return it to Mr  Arby, Miss Indah or the other teachers on duty.
Ms. Ayuseka

 C:\Users\ASMUNI GANI\Documents\101DICAM\DSCI0103.JPG

Choose the best answer a, b c or d.
1.    Read the notice!
It means that … .
a.    People are not allowed to fish at the park in the dry season
b.    The dock at the park cannot be used as the fishing area anymore
c.    People should not use the fishing dock because of the long dry season
d.    People may not visit the park because the fishing dock is being rebuilt
2.    Read the warning.
Rounded Rectangular Callout: Never touch the dry basket
and the clothes inside
to avoid accidents.  

What does the text mean?
a.    You may not place your clothes in the dry basket because it can cause an accident.
b.   You cannot operate the washing machine when the dry basket is full of clothes.
c.    You are prohibited to put your hand on the dry basket for your own safety.
d.   You must not touch the washing machine when the basket is dry.

3.    What does the notice mean?
a.       Rectangular Callout: No VacanciesYou are not allowed to enter the office.

You may not do your job in the office.
c.       The office is not used anymore.
d.      There is no job in the office.

4.    The warning at the back side of the telephone means …

a.       You may use the telephone all the time.
b.      You should keep your telephone in a safe place.
c.       Your telephone will be automatically off if there is a thunderstorm.
d.      You are prohibited to use the telephone when a thunderstorm happens.

5. You might see this sign on the door of a high building. It means … .

a.                   the door is not used anymore because it is in bad condition and dangerous
b.                  People have to use this door to get out of the building in case of fire.
c.                   the situation in the building is dangerous so people like to use it
d.                  if you leave the building through this way, you are in danger

Read the text.
Rectangular Callout: Keep your hands and fingers away from the blades!  

 It is meant that … .
a.       you should touch the blades by your hands and fingers
b.      Never dislodge the blades when the device is “on”
c.       You may touch the blades only when using the tool
d.      The blades are really safe to be touched

6.    You may find this notice at the movie. What does it mean?

a.      All tickets have been bought by people, so there are no tickets left.
b.      The film is not interesting so you do not need to buy the tickets.
c.       Do not buy the tickets because they are very expensive.
d.      You may not watch the film although you have the tickets.

7.    What does this caution mean?
EYE IRRITANT. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing

  It reminds people that the product is …for their eyes.
a.                 good
b.                 dangerous
c.                  suitable
d.                 effective

8.    What does the notice mean?
a.    Someone has just mopped the floor so you cannot enter the room.
b.    You have to stop walking when you are thinking of something.
c.    You must walk carefully here because the floor may be oily.
d.    You should use the slippery floor to go around here.

9.        You might see this notice at the beach.
Not your
       It means that …
a.       you are prohibited to walk along the beach
b.      the beach is used to show your footprints
c.       you may throw the garbage to the beach
d.      you should keep the beach clean

10.        Octagon: Do not leave your luggage unattendedYou find this notice at the airport.

            What does it mean?
a.       You are prohibited to bring your luggage into the aircraft.
b.      You have to leave your luggage in the checking-in counter.
c.       You are allowed to ask the porter to bring your luggage.
d.      You must watch your luggage all the time so nobody will steal it.

11.  Read the caution.
It means that visitors of the beach…the underwater rocks there.
a.        must be careful of
b.      are prohibited to take
c.       should enjoy the view of
d.      may take the photograph of

12.        This notice can be found on the road.
It is meant…because there are many people walking along the street.
a.          to ask the drivers to stop their cars
b.         to tell the drivers to drive carefully
c.          to forbid the drivers to open their cars
d.         to remind the drivers to use the safety belt

13.  Read the caution!
            It is meant ... the damaged street ahead.
a.       to prohibit people to enter
b.      to advise people to construct
c.       to remind people not to walk along
d.      to tell people to be careful if they take
14.            You can find this notice at the parking lots.
It means that … .
a.       the parking lot is only meant for those who are visitors
b.      only people having permission can park at the parking lot
c.       the visitors are permitted to leave the parking lot with their car
d.      people must take the parking tickets before entering the area

15.      Read this notice!


People put the text  … at the area where the notice is placed.
a.       to remind people not to stop  the bus
b.      to tell people to fetch the passengers
c.       to accompany people who want to fly
d.      to ask passengers to take a rest

16.            What does this notice mean?
Rectangular Callout: Please be aware
Bathtub overflows in 8 minutes

a.       There is water in the bathtub so you have to bathe.
b.      In eight minutes the bathtub will begin to work well.
c.       You must be careful when you take a bath there.
d.      It won’t take long to fill the bathtub with water.